The Department of Ukrainian Studies and Linguistic Didactics

The Department of Ukrainian Studies and Linguistic Didactics is a general sector of the university. It was reorganized in 2012. The department is headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor Malenko O.O.

The professors of the department are modern, intellectual, creative specialists, aimed at the perspective development of higher humanities in Ukraine. They are authors of numerous scientific, educational, methodical works on various problems of Ukrainian linguistics, linguistic didactics, ethnography, philosophy of education. 

The department initiated the creation of a Ukrainian Cultural Center at the University, which houses ethnographic exhibits from different regions of Ukraine − rare collections of towels, embroidered shirts, pottery, Easter eggs, Ukrainian dolls, household items. The center carries out educational, ethnographic and local lore work with students and schoolchildren of the city and region. The head of the Center is Assoc. Professor Martsyn S. O.

The department has a rich library, which includes literature of different directions − scientific monographs, textbooks and training manuals on Ukrainian linguistics, ethnography, ethnology, ethnopsychology, history of Ukraine, folklore, methods of teaching Ukrainian at school and university; publication of ethnographic and methodological issues; scientific collections, various dictionaries. Some of the most rare reprints (2016, 2017, 2018) of the first Soviet explanatory dictionaries of the 20-30s of the twentieth century edited by S. Yefremov, A. Krymskyi, A. Nikovskyi, which were donated to the department by the publishers.


Valentynivska str., 2, Aud. 209-А, Kharkiv, 61168

Ph.num.: (0572) 68-11-69

Malenko Olena Olegivna

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